I got to wear it to the yarn harlot's book signing! it was warm and comfy and perfect for the weather that day.
Yarn: peace fleece worsted in sea moss (6 skeins)
Needles: 6 and 8s accordingly
mods: i grafted the top of the hood, and picked up all the stitches for the ribbing at one time. i also did short row shaping and three needle bind off at the shoulders.
my sleeves were a bit tight, as seems to be the trend, but overall i'm satisfied with the outcome. more pics on my blog :)
It's really nice! I love the color. I'm making a blue one, and I'm going to see the Yarn Harlot this weekend!
Love your CPH - the color is perfect! Hoping to knit it soon, too!
That's fabulous!!! the color looks really great on you!
How perfect to wear the CPH to Central Park to joing up with other knitters!! It looks lovely. I'm glad to hear about the tight sleeves again. I'm going to try to enlarge mine somehow.
Looks fabulous on you! What a great place to wear it too! I'm envious!
I must say, you look very cool in your Central Park Hoodie. I live in New York, and although I could not make it to Strawberry Fields that day (Work gets in the way of life), I did make it to FIT for the presentation. It is so cool to know that I was sitting there with my unfinished sweater, and there was someone with a completed sweater who came all the way from the West Coast... and we were in the same room at the same time. I guess the muggles would never understand my excitement. But hey, who needs them? We can have our own party!!!
Your hoodie looks great, and I am even more inspired to get mine off of the sticks, and onto my body. Thanks for being a great example.
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