Lisa Shroyer, editor of Knitscene magazine, has compiled a book entitled The Best of Knitscene, featuring a "reworking of Heather Lodinsky's "Central Park Hoodie" [Yarn Market News, January 2012], available from Interweave Press. The links below take you to the pages for the paper version and the eBook version.
Paper [144 pp, paperback, $24.95]
eBook [144 pp, PDF, $19.95]
The book includes 20 of the most popular knitting patterns from the first five years of Knitscene magazine, including Connie Chang Chinchio's Geodesic Cardigan and Katie Himmelberg's Phiaro Scarf. The offerings vary widely from mitts, hats, socks and scarves to vests and sweaters, in addition to providing tips and designer profiles.
**************** UPDATE ****************
The pattern for the CPH is now available for purchase from Knitting Daily as a downloadable PDF! The pattern includes expanded sizing for PLUS sizes—52", 56", and 60"!
The Knitting Daily Blog has featured the CPH in some posts:
The CPH--Which Size to Knit?
The Finished Plus Size CPH
The CPH Plus Size Gallery
If you receive the Knitting Daily email, you already know that the CPH is the NUMBER ONE best-selling pattern in the KD Online Store!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
My CPH is Done
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Already in progress
Heres what I have so far

I'm doing the fronts at the same time so I can make sure they are the same size.

Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Putting it All Together

Because this is a mulespun yarn, I will need to wash it so that the yarn will bloom after I finish the seaming. With the warm weather that's on the way, drying won't take too long.
I can't wait to post pictures of my finished CPH!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Week Three (a bit late)
This is week three's progress report and I have to say a break can be the best thing for both of you sometimes. Mostly because I messed up. I worked the right front wrong and accidentally bound off two more stitches than I was supposed to (no worries, the following instructions are correct, I just had a blonde moment further on down the line). I thought, "Oh heck, two stitches aren't that big of a deal and I hate ripping back so, onward!" Yeah.
I replicated my mistake on purpose for the left front. All was fine until I went to sew the shoulder seams. (insert swearing here) To quasi-fix it, since I was in no way going to rip back 19" of knitting, I had to undo my cast-offs and re-do them in a manageable way to get the cables to line up. I think it kinda works but, it probably doesn't matter because my shoulder seams look like junk anyway. Have I mentioned yet how bad I am at seaming? It doesn't like me much either.
Next I went to pick up the stitches for the hood and again, not my strong suit. I'm lousy at picking up stitches. I counted as I picked them up but somehow I counted three too many at the end. Came back three days later and recounted to discover it was correct. Maybe the knitting fairies came and visited while I was out of town last weekend. Or maybe I should stop knitting when it's past 10:30 pm. Now we’re sailing along again. *phew*
Now, by request, how to split the single piece of knitting at the armholes to work the shaping. Once you have knit the 14 inches or so solid and are ready to work the armhole shaping it's time to remember where the front and back pieces are. Take a minute and place stitch markers where your seams would have been. To find these again take the number of stitches you would have cast on for the right front (if you were working it separately) minus one. So if you were supposed to cast on 38 in the instructions count 37 stitches in and that is where you will be splitting your work. You can do the same thing for the left front starting from the other end. To double check yourself count the back piece and it should be two stitches shy of how many the instructions said to cast on. Now place the work on three separate needles or cords.
The back piece is worked similarly. Under “Armholes” it says to bind off (X) number of stitches at the beginning of the next two rows. Bind off (X-1) stitches at the beginning of the next two rows and work the rest according to the pattern. You should be set.
Sorry this was soooooo long. Have a great week!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Nearly finished
Monday, June 18, 2007
Armholes and Shoulders?
I promise to post WIP pics soon!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Some Progress

Thanks for collecting all the FO's!
Eva (FantasyKnits)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Closing in on the Finish Line

This is my fifth time picking up for the ribbing. I'm not too discouraged, since this is my first button band. I'm using this project as a learning tool - first time kitchenering the hood, first time doing short-row shoulders, first time doing a multi-cabled sweater, etc.
Here are some other pictures of my work. I'm very proud to have come so far in this CPH, and it's because you have inspired me.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
finally picked a yarn!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
CPH KAL FO Summary
Not all of us are in Ravelry yet so.... I've been perusing this whole KAL over the last couple of days to find examples of Cascade 220 CPH and then I saw someone else who was looking for a particular yarn and I thought I'd take it upon myself to summarize the Finished Object Central Park Hoodies! I know there is a lot of other great info here so don't just skip by it. There are some abandoned CPH that I would love to see how they come out or hear what happened to them! If you want to add info or modify what I put down here, please, leave a comment and I'll update the table in a day or two.
Short rowing your shoulders.
Knitting the body in one piece.
Gauge discussion on Knitter's Review.
These women are all linked on the table below but their CPH page is great... Crossroad Knits
Name with FO Link | yarn | size |
Brown Berry | Karabella Aurora 8 - 11 skeins | 36" |
Lara | Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Aran Weight (9 skeins) | 44"/48" |
Stacee | Cascade 220 Heathers 7.5 hanks | 44" |
allie | Plymouth Encore Worsted 4.5 skeins | 36" |
Kris | Berroco Ultra Alpaca 7 skeins | 44" |
sienna | Diamond Galway Heather 7 skeins? | ? |
Octopus Knits | Cascade 220 almost 5 skeins | 36" |
soCherry | Cascade 220 5 skeins + | 36" |
Lynda | Cascade 220 - 5.5 skeins | 40" |
Brenda | Sirdar Donegal Tweed | 44" |
Hilary | Cascade 220 | 48"/44" |
Liz K | Cascade 220 | 36" |
rachel | peace fleece worsted 6 skeins | 36" |
Bear Knits | Peace Fleece - 5.3 skeins | 36" |
Stacee | Lion Brand Wool Ease | ? |
Tonya | Tahki tweed -7 skeins | ? |
Moirae | Debbie Bliss Donegal Tweed ~12 balls | ? |
Tigers | Bendigo Mills 12 ply Rustic | 48" |
mary | classic elite skye tweed | ? |
Christina | DB aran tweed | 44" |
Pam | Cascade Sierra Quatro - 7 skeins | 40"/34" |
knitseashore | Plymouth Yarn Plymouth Tweed | ? |
Liz T | Tahki Donegal Tweed | ? |
Tracey | Ella Rae Classic Under 7 skeins | 40" |
Cara | Queensland Collection Kathmandu Aran | 36" |
Liz K | Tahki Donegal Tweed | ? |
Katyaflutes | Tahki Donegal Tweed 7+ skeins | 40" |
aquaknits | cascade 220 | ? |
Tiennie and this | Tahki Donegal Tweed | ? |
Kara | Peace Fleece | 36" |
Sue | Bendigo Woollen Mills | 48" |
Elizabeth | Lamb's Pride Worsted | ? |
About Variegated Yarn (for Shameka)
In the comments I saw that you had questions about using variegated yarn on the CPH. I chose variegated yarn for mine and that's what has caused the delay in knitting it (and yes, I am the Administrator of this KAL *blushing from shame*).
To give you an idea of what happens or what to consider, please refer to my posts on the original CPH KAL (from when it was run by Christy):
The post includes photos and there are a few other posts there featuring my color experiments that may help you decide. My solution so far is to knit the fronts and backs as all one piece on a circular and let the pooling fall where it may. That would work, but it won't result in the color shift that I liked so well when I knit the back only. If I were brave, I suppose I could attempt to knit the fronts as one piece and steek it to achieve the same pooling pattern.
Like I said, I'm still working this out in my mind and I think I'm going to buy a solid yarn for my first one. Let us know what you figure out!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Progress Report from Sleeve Island
See the sleeves? This was at the start of today's knitting session. At the end, the caps were almost done. Two more rows, then a bind off, and I can start sewing the pieces together and move on to the hood.
This is one reason it's taken a while:
Yarn barf!
In fact, they have protested vehemently.
Not only did they disgorge giant chunks of yarn barf, they then proceeded to get themselves tangled up in it.
Now, I've raised kids. Several. Including the ones who were able to make themselves throw up on cue. So I know what to do.
The miscreants were wrangled into submission, and both balls have now been knit to a nice spot with no tangles and just a smooth feed from the center of the ball.
Just in time too, since the sleeves are nearly done.
A little side note: at one point, both Knit Devil and I were challenged by Seattle Marie to a race. She was waaayyy behind us and offered some of her handspun as a prize to whichever of us finished first. Dim Sum Mary refused to join the challenge.
So what happened? Well, SM finished first. DSM is almost done with hers--only needs to sew in the sleeves and sew on the buttons. KD is not far behind, having finished her hood and with just the bands to go. I am dead last. Not only that, but I have another trip coming up and this is sooo not airplane knitting!
Oh well. It won't be CPH weather in SoCal for quite a while, now will it?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Week Two
Someone asked about knitting the front and sides at the same time so I'll share with you all how I'm doing it. It might be right, it might be wrong, and any pointers you have would be appreciated.
To knit the sides and and back together I added up all the number of stitches that would have been cast on for the right front, left front and back. I then subtracted two stitches for each seam that would have been sewn (4 stitches) and cast on that remaining number. When working the cable patterns and the ribbing I had to start by reading the instructions and cable charts for the right front, then the back piece, then the left front. This means my fabric is knitted in this sequence from right to left: cable chart C, cable chart C, cable chart A, cable chart B, cable chart C, cable chart A, cable chart A. I hope this helps the anonymous poster who was having trouble with the cables. Happy Knitting!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Week one
It's been one week since I cast on and I'm still going strong. So far the pattern is simple but not tedious and I'm really enjoying it. I decided to knit the front and sides at the same time because I really hate sewing up knitting and I thought I could minimize the seaming this way. I only made one little mistake when I started the cable pattern (I started on the wrong side by accident) and I had to rip back about 4-5 rows. I thought something looked a little funny then but I've got it fixed now and I'm loving it.
I keep showing it off to all my non-knitting friends and they ooohhhhh and aahhhh. I think I might have hooked one of them and now she wants me to teach her to knit. Ha ha! Another convert... The powers of the CPH have her now.